Dukstas curch far away. Klaipeda's seaside. Lonely. I really have problems with attachment to ultramarin blue :) I put it everywhere. ... Dukstas rocky stream. What's next? I really want to grasp the basics of colour mixing and combining.
La campagne de l'est de la Lituanie nous offre un éventail d'églises de confessions différentes dans des paysages superbes. Nous apercevons ici l'église de Kazitiskis, un peu ? l'écart du village sur la route de Dukstas. ...
... down to the Las Olas Art Festival, where I'd sign books outside Seldom Seen. For dinner, I'd go to Yolo or SoLita, and end my day with a drink at the Living Room at the W Hotel, with a view of the full moon rising out of the ocean. ...